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Useful Links

Mangotsfield Primary School


On this page you will find useful links to websites and apps to use over the coming weeks. These all contain excellent activities that will allow you and your children to have some moments of mindfulness throughout the day. 



"Educating the heart - We now know that for children to flourish socially and emotionally, we need to educate both the heart and the mind."

Heartmindonline.org - This website contains some excellent resources to support sharing feelings, coping with stressful situations and feeling calm. 


Mindyou - South Gloucestershire Council's hub for children and young people to help
them look after themselves and their mental well-being. There is an A - Z containing links on a huge range of topics that might affect young people, with videos, self-help information  and top tips on how to stay happy and overcome issues. 


Mindfulness NHS - This resource from the NHS is packed full of links and helpful

information on how to take a minute, slow down and focus on the present moment.




Go Noodle - This website is fantastic for movement and mindfulness opportunities for

children. They also have a YouTube page full of songs and dances to get you moving!



Below are links to apps/websites that you might also want to explore:

Stop Breathe Think KidsSmiling MindMindful Powers for Kids

                              Cosmic Kid Mindful Family