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Mangotsfield Primary School

Vision and Values

Click here to watch a short video explaining our Vision, Mission, Motto and Values.

Our Vision, Our Dream

At Mangotsfield Church of England Primary School, we have a strong vision for our community which is shared by all within our school family. Our vision represents our highest aspirations for our learners and all adults who support their learning journey.  

We see a community that is inspired - united in the joy of living, appreciating excellence and embracing creativity. Driven by our recognition of the unique individual, we aim to provide wide opportunity through academia, leadership and courageous advocacy for all. 

We subscribe to being givers and supporters, passionate in our duty and bold in our intentions. 

Together, we are strong. We love, we fail, we succeed. We are the movers and shapers of our future. We are abundantly alive!

John 10:10 - "Life in all its fullness."

Our Mission at Mangotsfield 

 We aim to achieve our vision through our mission, our planned approach:

Our mission is to craft love, excellence and opportunity for all we serve. This mission drives us to enable our community and expand human potential. 

We do this by promoting high standards - which are recognised as different for each unique individual, by planning for continued success and sustainability, by reflecting on and learning about global diversity and making an extended impact to our immediate and wider community. 

Our BRAVE Values and Mangotsfield Motto

At Mangotsfield Church of England Primary School our BRAVE Values underpin everything we do. We teach, exemplify, model and reinforce these values at every opportunity: through discrete teaching, within our curriculum lessons, through acts of collective worship, our reward systems and our whole-school policies.

Our Mangotsfield motto is:

Our motto stems from our joy from learning, working and living within our fantastic community and our intentions for everyone of us to be vivacious and active members of that community, taking bold and BRAVE steps to achieve our future goals and aspirations in whatever field these may be based. 

Our Values through Books 

Mangotsfield is a reading school - we love books! We frequently use story to teach our learners about our values and to reinforce the key messages behind them.

Our values book lists can be found here.

Our Values through the Curriculum and Recognition Document