Sporting Chance
Learning Videos
Welcome to the Sporting Chance home learning page. On this page, you will find excellent videos that teach fitness and different skills that can be done at home with simple resources. We will keep this updated with new videos regularly.
We hope you enjoy what we have created for you and you are taking time to keep active throughout the day.
The Sporting Chance team.
Sporting Chance Clubs & Sports Camps
Introduction and Welcome to Sporting Chance:
The Active 30 series of videos are designed to keep you active everyday with an abundance of games to keep you busy at home or in the garden.
There are a range of activities focused on the following... Cardio Blast, Reaction Activities, Personal Challenges, Brain Gym, Indoor Games, and George's Football Mastery.
Check out the whole series on YouTube here:
EYFS and KS1:
EYFS and KS1 - Game Creation 1
EYFS and KS1 - Game Creation 2
EYFS and KS1 - Game Creation 3
EYFS and KS1 - Game Creation 4
EYFS and KS1 - Game Creation 5
EYFS and KS1 - Game Creation 6
EYFS and KS1 - Funda-Physical Session 1
EYFS and KS1 - Funda-Physical Session 2
EYFS and KS1 - Funda-Physical Session 3
EY & KS1 - Funda-Moves Session 6 (dribbling)
EYFS and KS1 Sports Day Playlist
You can also access these videos on the Sporting Chance YouTube page here:
Lower KS2 - Chest Pass and Catch
Lower KS2 - Dodging
Lower KS2 - Striking a ball with a racket
Lower KS2 - Athletics Session 1 - Long Distance Running
Lower KS2 - Athletics Session 2 - Throwing for Power
Lower KS2 - Athletics Session 3 - Jumping for Height
Lower KS2 - Athletics Session 4 - Triple Jump
Lower KS2 - Athletics Session 5 - Speed Bounce
Lower KS2 - Athletics Session 6 - Mini-Olympics
Funda-Physicals - Push Ups
You can also access these videos on the Sporting Chance YouTube page here:
Upper KS2 - Jumping
Upper KS2 - Overarm Throw
Upper KS2 - Sprinting
Upper KS2 - OAA Session 1 - Trust Games
Upper KS2 - OAA Session 2 - Map Routes
Upper KS2 - OAA Session 3 - Orienteering and Compass Work
Upper KS2 - Football Session 1
Upper KS2 - Football Session 2
Upper KS2 - Football Session 3 (Shooting)
Athletics Session 3 (Pentathalon)
KS2 Sports Day Playlist
You can also access these videos on the Sporting Chance YouTube page here: