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Mangotsfield Primary School

Arbor App

We use an app called Arbor to send communications (email and SMS to parents). You can also use the app to make payments, bookings and update your details. 

Downloading Arbor 

The Arbor app is free and can be downloaded from Apple Store or Google Play, included in the link below is a guide on how to log in:


The video explains how to log in with a computer first. If you do not have the facility to log in with a computer, you can do it from your phone by requesting a password reset.

New starters will be sent an email from Arbor containing individual log in details. If it is your first time using this system, please check your spam/junk mail. If the email goes into this box, please click 'not spam' so that next time an email is sent, it will appear in your inbox. 

Updating Details

Once you have downloaded the app, please check that all of your details, phone numbers, addresses and medical details are correct. If you need to make changes, this can be done in the app which will be sent through to us in the school office to accept and change

Alternatively, to make changes log in on a laptop or PC: https://login.arbor.sc/