New Starter Information
Information for New Starters – EYFS and In-Year Starters
Here you will find all of the information you will need to read/complete before your child starts at Mangotsfield Church of England Primary School. Please read the information carefully as you will be asked to sign to confirm your understanding of each piece of information.
Confidential Details
Please complete our Confidential Details form to provide the school with the important information we need to know about your child. If you have not received a paper copy of this form from the school you can download it below.
Medical and Dietary Needs
Please read the Medical and Dietary Needs form below, if your child has a medical or dietary need please print and complete the form. If your child does not have a medical or dietary need, you do not need to complete this form. If you have indicated that your child has asthma or requires an Epi Pen, you will also need to complete the Asthma or Epi Pen Form below.
If your child has a dietary need you will also need to enter this on the Live Kitchen website in order that Dolce know your child's requirements for school lunches.
Asthma FormDisability Questionnaire
Please read the Disability Questionnaire below, if your child has any disability please print and complete the form. If your child does not have a disability, you do not need to complete this form.
Data/Image Consent
Please read the Data/Image Consent Information document below. If you do not consent to to photographs being taken of your child/children whilst they are at School, please speak to the school office.
Home-School Agreement
Local Visit and Age Appropriate Film Consent
Please read the Local Visit and Age Appropriate Film Consent document below, you will be asked to sign to give consent for both of these.
Local Visit and Age Appropriate Film Consent
Privacy Notice
Please read the Privacy Notice letter below, you will be asked to sign to confirm your understanding of this.
Free School Meals and Pupil Premium
In order that the school can receive all of the government funding which it may be entitled to, please read the information on South Glos FSM , and complete the online form if your family income is below £16,190 per year.
Keeping Children Safe with ICT
Please read the Keeping Children Safe with ICT document below, you will be asked to sign to confirm that you have discussed this with your child.
Keeping Children Safe with ICT
Parent/Carer Acceptable Use of IT
Please read the Parent/Carer Acceptable Use of IT document below, you will be asked to sign to confirm that you understand its contents.
Parent Carer Acceptable Use of IT
Social Media Guidelines
Please read the Social Media Guidelines below, you will be asked to sign to confirm that you understand its contents.
If you need to complete any of the supplementary questionnaires, but do not have a printer at home, please call in to the school office to pick up paper copies. You will be given a paper copy of the Signatures Declaration, but if you wish to complete this in advance the form can be found below.
Payment for School Lunches
Dolce cater for our school meals and payment for meals, for Key Stage 2 children, is collected by direct debit via Live Kitchen. After your child has started with us (for September EYFS starters this may happen before they start) you will receive an email from Live Kitchen with your username and password. For children in Key Stage 1 this will allow you to pre order your child’s meals, for children in Key Stage 2 you will also need to log on to Live Kitchen to set up your direct debit.
Payment for School Trips/Music Fees etc
The school uses Arbor for collection of payment for school trips/clubs fees etc. Once your child is set up on our database, you can download the Arbor app and will be sent a welcome email with full instructions. See further information under 'Arbor app' tab.