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Mangotsfield Primary School

E-Safety (Online Safety)

Our E-Safety Curriculum

As part of our computing curriculum, we have created a bespoke E-Safety sequence for our learners. The sequence has been created in conjunction with resources from the National College and other trusted resources to ensure our units contain the most up-to-date and relevant knowledge. Taught termly to ensure revisiting of key themes, our learners are taught about the importance of online safety and ways to stay safe online across an array of different contexts at age-appropriate levels. Our E-safety curriculum is centred around 'Ellie', our fictional character that helps guide our learners through the knowledge and skills required growing up in the digital world as well as providing strategies they can use to remain safe when online.

Curriculum Documents 

Unit Overview Knowledge & Skill Progression Termly Overviews

 Staying Safe Online  EYFS, Year 1 and 2


This video is great to demonstrate to learners in EYFS/KS1 the dangers of pop-up ads. Free games and learning apps tend to be filled with ads, so it is important to let your children know not to click on them and that, unfortunately, they often exist simply to trick people into giving information or money away.

Staying Safe Online Year 3 and 4

A great top 10 video for learners in Year 3 or 4 who may be starting to explore the internet. These are great tips to make sure that all learners stay safe, make sensible choices and are responsible online. There is also a link at the end that parents might want to visit with learners which contains further information. 

Staying Safe Online Year 5 and 6

This video is aimed at learners in Years 5 and 6 who may be aware of the existence of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and other social media platforms. It talks about why it is wrong to lie about your age, the danger that could potentially put you in and why it is not always good to follow your friends, especially when you know you shouldn't.

Talking to Learners about Online Safety 

Please talk to your children about the wonders of the internet so that they can enjoy discovering and learning about the world around them. At the same time, please make sure you discuss how to stay safe, make sensible choices online, remember that people online are still strangers and to be responsible members of the online community.

NSPCC Online Safety

The NSPCC has teamed up with O2 in a campaign to keep children safe online. Their website is full of information such as how to talk to your learner about staying safe online, setting up parental controls and of course a helpline if learners have any concerns they wish to talk about. 


Please see our Online safety policy which is available under the 'policies' tab.            

Additional Information                                                                                                           

We understand that for parents, particularly of learners in Key Stage 2, that there are a lot of apps that learners might be discovering on their phones/tablets/laptops as they start to hear about the world of social media. This may be concerning if you hear about apps that are not familiar to you. The website below has tips, advice and guides on how to keep your child safe online.

UK Safer Internet Centre  

The PDF document embedded below is part of our enhanced provision which is shared yearly in our UKS2 parent E-Safety meeting.

y6 e safety meeting.pdf

Further Resources: 

Internet Matters Social Media Guide for Parents 

Internet Matters Guide - 11+ Safety Plan - Online Safety

Using Parental Controls'What If' Scenario Cards