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Mangotsfield Primary School

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Your child's journey into formal schooling has begun! It is an exciting time and you will revel in the wonder and enthusiasm in your little one's eyes as they start to explore, learn and discover things for themselves.  We also know what a big step it is when your child starts school for the first time and that you know your child best so we will work with you to build a relationship through which your child can thrive.  We are proud of our EYFS curriculum and environment, which allows our littlest learners to shine!


EYFS at Mango

Our curriculum is values led, with a secure pedagogical basis offering a mix of direct teaching input and child-initiated learning within our bespoke learning environment to allow for exploration, discovery and wonder.  Our staff are knowledgeable about how children learn and offer support and challenge to secure strong development.


The EYFS Curriculum

The EYFS curriculum is structured into Prime and Specific areas.

Three areas are particularly important for building a foundation to ignite children's curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving.  These are the prime areas:


Prime Areas


Communication and Language

Listening, Attention and Understanding


Personal, Social and Emotional Development



Managing Self

Building Relationships

Physical Development

Gross Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skills

In addition, the four specific areas offer opportunities to further strengthen and apply the prime areas.  These are the specific areas:

* Literacy

* Mathematics

* Understanding the World

* Expressive Arts and Design


Specific Areas





Word Reading




Numerical Patterns

Understanding the World

Past and Present

People, Culture and Communities

The Natural World

Expressive Arts and Design


Creating with Materials

Being Imaginative and Expressive

Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning

We know that play is at the heart of how young children learn.  The characteristics of effective teaching and learning underpin our approach to the EYFS curriculum. the three characteristics of effective teaching and learning are:

* Playing and Exploring - learners investigate and experience things and 'have a    go'.

* Active Learning - learners concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter          difficulties and enjoy achievements.

* Creating and Thinking Critically - learners have and develop their own ideas,        make links between ideas and develop strategies for doing things.


Please see our Early Years Intent, Implementation and Impact report here:

Early Years Intent Implementation and Impact report