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Mangotsfield Primary School

Cognitive Science

Connected Curriculum

A well-connected and well-sequenced curriculum will enable learners to grow intellectually, spiritually and emotionally. It will enable them to seek out their passions, become increasingly knowledgeable and make sense of complex concepts that might otherwise be taught in isolation.

Our connected curriculum ensures coherence and connectivity, providing a balance of thematic and discrete teaching. Our Mangotsfield curriculum is connected through a structured framework of learning units.

Connected Curriculum Document



Retrieval is defined as 'a strategy in which bringing information to mind enhances and boosts learning. Deliberately recalling information forces us to pull our knowledge “out” and examine what we know'

Retrieval is used as a learning tool at Mangotsfield to interrupt the forgetting curve by strengthening knowledge recall and improve long-term memory retention - learning. Retrieval also provides teachers with the formative information required about learning in a low-stakes environment. 

 Retrieval Documents

 Teaching and Learning at Mangotsfield

Our research-informed approach to teaching and learning ensures our learners receive the highest quality teaching and learning opportunities. Through continually developing our teaching strategies that are underpinned by research combined with a coherent and connected curriculum, our learners are given the optimum conditions to maximise their learning. At Mangotsfield, we believe professional development sits at the heart of improvement and our research-led appraisal projects and coaching approaches foster a strong culture of growth.

Teaching and Learning Documents

Cognitive Apprenticeship - Intent  

There is no scientific study more vital to us than the study of our own brain. Our entire view of the universe depends on it.’

At Mangotsfield, we understand the value of context and linked learning – why am I learning this? Why is it important? – and we believe this extends to the study of learning itself. To become life-long learners who will move and shape the world, it is crucial our learners build a progressive understanding of themselves and others, inclusive of how we think and learn and how positive learning behaviours can be beneficial; this adds contextual understanding to many routines they are familiar with in school. The cognitive apprenticeship model breaks down barriers to provide a respect and tolerance of neurodiversity, shaping the courageous advocates of the future.

‘Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.’ When our learners leave Mangotsfield, we aspire to have set them up for their future education and career paths by ensuring they have the tools to thrive as learners in a complex world. This cognitive understanding extends beyond the powerful subject knowledge they will have gained along their journey.

Cognitive Apprenticeship Curriculum Documents

Unit Overview