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Mangotsfield Primary School

Collective Worship

Collective Worship provides an opportunity for learners to share experiences, beliefs, values and concerns which are important to them. It offers an occasion to reflect on those things which inspire us with awe, wonder, gratitude or a sense of being a part of something much greater than ourselves. It broadens our learners’ cultural capital and acceptance of diverse groups through knowledge and celebration. Collective worship plays a large part in SMSC development as part of our character curriculum. 


At Mangotsfield, we use the ‘Windows, Mirrors and Doors’ framework in our Worships and use Roots and Fruits as a starting place for many of our Collective Worship inputs:


Opportunities for learners to be aware of the world in new ways, looking out into the world through story or current events.

Learning about life in all its fullness - the great and the areas for development.


Opportunities to reflect on their experiences and reach for possible answers to life's big questions.

Looking inside yourself and learn about life through learners' own insights and the insights of others.


Opportunities for learners to respond and think about the choices they wish to make.

Think about how to develop and apply our ideas.

Learning to live out our beliefs and values.


Over the academic year, our Collective Worship programme covers many different aspects: 

Christian Ethos and Spirituality

Liturgical Calendar 

Values and Character

Other Religious Festivals

National Festivals

National and Global Events

School-wide Curriculum Themes

Significant Events


As a Church of England school, we are proud of our link with St James Church. This extends to our collective worships where we often welcome the Reverend or other members of the church community to plan and deliver acts of worship that are invitational, reflective and engaging.

We also work with members of our community who hold expertise in certain areas or have other faiths or worldviews. 

We have a team of Worship Workers within school who help to plan and deliver Collective Worships. See more about this on our Pupil Leadership page.

Liturgical Calendar