Admissions and Induction
Admission Arrangements
As for all schools in the area, admissions to Mangotsfield Church of England Primary School are decided by South Gloucestershire Council. You can find details of the admissions process on the South Gloucestershire Council website:
Applications for admissions in our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) are welcomed from parents of children who turn 5 years of age between 1st September and 31st August within the school year that you are applying for.
Applications for in year places should be made directly to South Gloucestershire Council. The forms can be found on the council website where there is also further guidance given to aid you with your application.
Admission Arrangements from 2025-26
From the academic year 2025-2026, admission arrangements for Mangotsfield CE Primary School will change due to our academisation and joining of The Leaf Trust. Details of the new admissions processes can be found in the document below.
Induction into EYFS
As learners enter EYFS, our aim is to ensure that the induction process meets the needs of both the parents/carers and of the learner. We are aware that this is the first part of a seven year journey together and we do all that we can to make the process as smooth as possible. In the summer term, we hold Induction Evenings for parents and provide opportunities for your little ones to come to school for ‘stay and play’ sessions.
In September, we have a staggered entry. The children begin by completing half days (either afternoons or mornings) and then extend to half days plus dinner times before attending full time.
Induction following In-Year Admissions
We often have children starting school post-EYFS. Any family who arrives midway through their primary schooling is made to feel very welcome. We work hard with families to ensure learners are settled into our school including involving previous settings in information sharing to ease the transition.